Enable C++11 compilation support in Android NDK toolchain


Android NDK allows to use C++11 extensions from the r8e (released on March 2013), but the NDK build toolchain needs some configuration steps, otherwise the compilation will result in errors. Some multi-thread features missing from g++ 4.6 are now avaliable in STL using g++ 4.8.

Warning: Clang 3.3 compiler from NDK r9b is C++11-feature complete, STL and stdlib++ on Android are not. So currently full support of the new C++11 features in not stable

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How to activate C++11 features

The following instructions address a NDK installation in a Win 7 Pro 64x (SP 1)/Cygwin environment, but can be applicable to all dev systems.



  1. must have NDK version r8e or above installed (view the RELEASE.TXT file in the NDK root folder). Better if r9b is used.

To enable C++11 support for all source code of the application (and so any modules included) make the following change in the Application.mk:

# use this to select gcc instead of clang
# otherwise, the following line select the latest clang version.
# enable c++11 extensions in source code
APP_CPPFLAGS += -std=c++11
# or use APP_CPPFLAGS := -std=gnu++11
# Following is STL implementation. Can be use _static or _shared version, the last one need a call to loadLibrary BEFORE use the C++ code in the shared library
APP_STL := gnustl_static

Otherwise, if you wish to have C++11 support only in your module, add this lines into your Android.mk instead of use APP_CPPFLAGS

LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -std=c++11

Features supported

  • atomic
  • chrono
  • condition_variable
  • memory (shared_ptr, unique_ptr)
  • mutex (lock_guard,mutex,unique_lock)
  • thread (see comments)
  • lamdas and auto keyword

An example of using the new standard can be found in the NDK (from r9), in {NDK_PATH}\samples\test-libstdc++

std::thread support in NDK 9b

Currently (as February 2014) many developers complain of crashes in the use of std :: thread. See these following discussions:



Some useful reference

For understand the current level of support of C++ language in the NDK, the first place to view is the CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html in the NDK documentation.

ISO C++ Standard Home Page

For Eclipse usage, please view this thread:

A good start point to understand the new C++11 standard can be found here:

The status of C++11 Language Features in many compilers can be found here:

A specific page addressing C++11 support of the llvm clang compiler can be found here:

Interesting Proof of concept of a multi-threading task, implemented with different thread-safe constructs


Pubblicato da adec

I'm a computer science engineer, Rome, Italy.

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